Friday, August 13, 2010

Disaster Strikes the Kirkpatrick's House!

Many of you heard, on Sunday night around 12:30 PM our house was struck by lightning. I had my normal night with girls coming over to play cards, and had just jumped into bed. It had been storming, so Ryan checked to make sure it was just thunderstorms. No tornadoes in the forecast. As we were laying there for about 5 minutes, we heard a loud crash and almost a jolt of our house. The fire alarms went off for about 5 seconds and then turned off. About 10 seconds late, I said to Ryan, "I smell smoke." He was thinking it might have been because the lightning hit close to the house. He got out of bed to go check everything out. I was waiting in bed, still smelling smoke, when I decided something had to be going on. I went into the hallway and ran into Tyler (our 18 year old roommate). I was yelling at Ryan, "I still smell smoke." Tyler said he knows...he's looking into it...he's in the basement. I, then, hear Ryan yell for Tyler to get water. At that point, I began planning my exit. Ryan said there was a bag of painting supplies on fire that he noticed first. He put that out and looked up at the wall in the basement and saw a "glow." He realized it was the gas line fairly quick, and yelled, "We have to get out of here." I grabbed Landon first, and then my cell phone. I called 911 as I was heading out of the house into the down pouring rain. The rest is history from there...Here are some pictures to tell the rest of our crazy Sunday night disaster.

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