Friday, November 27, 2009

Landon is 1!!!

We just celebrated Landon's first Birthday, and I decided it was time to start blogging!! It has been a fabulous year. He is learning so much so quickly and turning into a wild toddler. He is so curious about the world around him... sometimes a bit too curious. We are so lucky to have been blessed with such a great little boy. We can't wait to see what this next year will hold for him!


  1. Lets get some picture of Lando on here eh!

  2. It looks good but I will teach you all the tricks to making your blog better! We will get you a snazzy design!

  3. Lisa! I love that you started a blog :) Katie will have to fill you in on all of the great blogs we follow if she already hasnt!

    I cant believe Landon is 1 - he is so stinkin adorable! I love the pictures of him on facebook - you have one sweet boy there!

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving - and hopefully we can see you all next time we visit in Iowa!
